Singer rio reiser usually told journalists the name was taken from a description by pioneer archeologist heinrich schliemann. Ton steine scherben tour dates 2020 ton steine scherben. Mar 01, 2009 ton steine scherben macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht castra regina customs. Ton steine scherben keine macht fur niemand youtube. Ton steine scherben macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht youtube. The box included 8 copies of original posters and an 80page book with a short history of the band. At that time the rest of ton steine scherben reunited one more time for a farewell concert. You can find the list of ton steine scherben tour dates here. The most important german band i grew up listening to was ton steine scherben, they probably never meant a lot in the uk, but they were the first serious german rock band to use german lyrics. Well known for the highly political and emotional lyrics of vocalist rio reiser, they became a musical mouthpiece of new left movements, such as the squatting movement, during that time in germany and their. Check out macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht by ton steine scherben on amazon music. Zum reprint des ersten ton steine scherben songbooks 6, in junge welt 16. Ton steine scherben schritt fur schritt ins paradies by scherbenfan89. Ton steine scherben was one of the first and most influential german language rock bands of the 1970s and early 1980s.
Keine macht fur niemand chords by ton steine scherben. Nov 19, 2009 ton steine scherben topic 26,482 views 5. Ton steine scherben land in sicht live 1983 video dailymotion. Ton steine scherben solidaritat lyrics genius lyrics. Ton steine scherben tour 20202021, tickets, tourdaten. Lanrue, kai sichtermann bass guitar, wolfgang seidel drums. Ton steine scherben einheitsfrontlied lyrics genius lyrics. Ton steine scherben macht kaputt, was euch kaputt macht lyrics. Radios laufen, platten laufen, filme laufen, tvs laufen, reisen kau. Ton steine scherben berlin warum geht es mir so dreckig. Music profile for ton steine scherben, formed 1970. Ton steine scherben macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht by sdaoo.
Ton steine scherben scherben bringen gluck versand. Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht ton steine scherben. Get ton steine scherben setlists view them, share them, discuss them with other ton steine scherben fans for free on. Ton steine scherben macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht 1970. Clay stones shards or sound stones shards were a german anarchist rock band formed in 1970 in west berlin, germany when the members were all around 20 years of age. Not on label ton steine scherben selfreleased tp 1001. Ton steine scherben mein name ist mensch lyrics genius. Keine macht fur niemand chords ver 2 by ton steine scherben. Buy tickets for ton steine scherben concerts near you. Ton steine scherben biography ton stein scherben were formed in 1970 by the vocalist, guitarist and frontman rio reiser, r. Wellknown for the highly political and emotional lyrics of vocalist rio reiser, they became a musical mouthpiece of new left movements, such as the squatting movement, during that time in germany and their hometown of west berlin in particular.
Fliesenleger, fliesenhandel, engelbert, unsinn, ton, steine, scherben. Ton steine scherben drummer zerstort tisch in talkshow. Ton steine scherben macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht 1970 marcus9991. Ton steine scherben berlin macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht wir streiken 7 1970. Ton steine scherben were pioneers in german music culture. Ton steine scherben macht kaputt, was euch kaputt macht. Ton steine scherben music, videos, stats, and photos. Albums include iv, macht kaputt, was euch kaputt macht wir streiken, and paranoia.
Macht kaputt, was euch kaputt macht destroy what destroys. Ton steine scherben macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht. Mole hill rockerston stein scherben by yannick123456. Gesamtwerkdie studioalben vinyl lp ton steine scherben. Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht by ton steine scherben. Sep 21, 2017 ton steine scherben literal english translation. This following is a list of the work released by german rock band ton steine scherben. Ton steine scherben macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht by castra regina customs. Ton steine scherben tabs, chords, guitar, bass, ukulele chords, power tabs and guitar pro tabs including allein machen sie dich ein, halt dich an deiner liebe fest, rauch haus song, wir mussen. In 2014, 29 years after the split the band reunited and went on tour in germany, austria and switzerland. Not on label ton steine scherben selfreleased tp 1001 format.
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